
This website is for the Freedom Loving People of Bancroft and surrounding areas.

Our liberties – God-given natural rights at Common Law – are under attack on a global basis with the most brutal fact of all being: Genocide is occurring! It’s time to put an end to the massive lies, present the truth and hold ALL people who act under corporate umbrellas – SERVICE CORPORATIONS – accountable for their actions and inactions when it comes treating people like they are their personal property – ignoring their God-given unalienable rights.

If there is any reason to get motivated, it’s for today’s children. What future do they have if we do nothing and let these parasites do whatever they want with little regard for our freedoms?

Bancroft is a small town in northern Ontario but never underestimate what a small group of people can do. There is an old saying in activism: Act locally, think globally. The Stand For Freedom is a global one. We are not alone!!

Come and join us… Live… Learn… Love.